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Proceedings of International Conference
"Physical Interpretations of Physical Relativity"
Bauman Moscow State Technical University

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Tunneling of the potential barrier and particle's size in the Extended SpaceModel

Andreev V.A.1, Tsipenyuk D.Yu.2

1 Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Russia, Moscow;
2 Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Russia, Moscow

E-mail: Andreev; Tsipenyuk

We consider a generalization of the special theory of relativity (STR) at a 5-dimensional space, and more specifically at (1 + 4) -dimensional space with (+ - - - -) metric. In the Extended space model (ESM), in contrast to the Special theory of relativity a rest mass m of the particle, is not constant, but can change its value as a result of external influences. We consider a 5-vector potential, which is a generalization of the usual 4-vector potential of the electromagnetic field. It creates tension, which a form 10-component tensor of the 2nd rank. The components of this tensor include the electric and magnetic fields, as well as 4 more additional fields. Using the rotation in this space, one can transform field strengths in each other. It gives us an opportunity vanish the electric and magnetic fields, and concentrate all energy in four additional components. It permits us to propose in the frame of the ESM a new mechanism to tunnel the Coulomb barrier by photons. The other effect that exists in the ESM is the appearance of some spatial scales. The scales are different for different types of particles and interactions. We connect these scales with appearance of particle size.

Keywords: Special theory of relativity, 5-dimensional Extended Space Model, interval, variable photon mass, coulomb barrier, size of particle.

DOI: 10.18698/2309-7604-2015-1-20-32

Article file: Andreev.pdf